
The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Beauty Procedures Done

In a time where size acceptance and body positivity are popular, many people still pursue cosmetic procedures to feel better in their skin. The improvement in their appearance can also help them become a more confident version of themselves in work and social situations.

Your facial treatments should be customized to your unique skin and your specific needs. That being said, there are certain things that you should avoid.

1. Don’t Over-Exfoliate

A great thing about getting a facial is that the scrubbing and cleansing of your skin removes any dead skin cells on the surface. However, it’s important not to over-exfoliate. Exfoliation is a good thing, but when you do it too much it can strip your skin of its protective barrier. This layer is comprised of natural oils that help the skin stay hydrated and balanced, but it also prevents harmful toxins, bacteria, pollutants, and UV rays from entering the skin. Over-exfoliation can leave the skin prone to irritation, redness, and flaking.

There are many ways to exfoliate the skin, including physical scrubbing and chemical peels. Using an exfoliating mask or serum with alpha- or beta-hydroxy acids is another way to exfoliate your face. Whether it’s manual or chemical, over-exfoliation can damage your skin’s delicate layer of natural oils. This can lead to dry, flaky patches that look a little like rash and cause the complexion to have a tight, waxlike texture. Hence, it’s best to have professionals from Encore Medical Rejuvenation work their magic on your face.

Your skin naturally sheds its outer layer of dead skin cells every 30 days or so. If these cells don’t shed properly, they can build up on the skin, leading to clogged pores and a dull appearance. Exfoliating helps to remove these dead skin cells, leaving the fresh new layer of skin exposed.

You should aim to exfoliate the skin no more than three times a week. However, this depends on your skin type. If you have oily skin, exfoliating more often may be necessary, but if your complexion is on the dry side, exfoliating three to four times a week should be enough.

If you do over-exfoliate, be sure to take it easy for a few weeks. Avoid harsh cleansers and any products that contain exfoliating acids until your skin is fully recovered. Instead, hydrate the skin with a facial oil and apply an OTC hydrocortisone cream to accelerate recovery. Once your complexion is back to normal, you can reintroduce exfoliating products into your routine.

2. Don’t Go Out in the Sun Right After Your Facial

The sun’s rays are a big cause of skin aging and can damage your skin’s protective barrier. When you’re getting a facial, you’ll want to avoid direct exposure to the sun for at least a day to give your face a chance to rest and recover from all the scrubbing and sloughing. If you have to go outside, make sure you wear a high-SPF sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

If you have a beard or stubble, you’ll want to trim your facial hair before getting a facial. Not only does a scruffy beard or stubble look bad, but it can also irritate your skin and cause a breakout.

You’ll want to avoid shaving or waxing your facial area the day after a facial because it can lead to redness, bumps, and itching. You should also try to avoid tweezing any blemishes on your face for a few days after a facial because this can lead to inflammation.

Some people tend to wash their faces immediately after a facial, but this can strip the beneficial products that were applied to your skin during the treatment. If you must wash your face, make sure to use a gentle cleanser with lukewarm water to avoid irritation.

A degree of dryness and flakiness is normal after a facial, but excessive flakiness that lasts more than a few days may indicate that the treatment was too strong for your skin. If you’re experiencing this, be sure to contact your aesthetician to discuss your concerns.

It’s also a good idea to skip the gym that day as sweating can irritate the face and counteract the positive effects of your facial. It’s also important to sanitize anything that touches your face after a facial, like pillowcases and makeup brushes. This will keep your skin from picking up and spreading bacteria that can lead to a breakout. Lastly, make sure to clean your makeup brush and blender regularly because they can easily harbor bacteria that will clog pores. This is especially true if you’ve had a deep cleansing or chemical peel facial.

3. Don’t Wax Your Face Immediately After A Facial

Facials are a great way to take care of the skin, but you need to be careful with what you do to your face in the days after a facial. While a facial is meant to help remove dead skin cells, it can also strip the skin of its natural oils. It is important to use a gentle cleanser to ensure you are not over-exfoliating, but you should also be sure to moisturize your face to lock in those natural oils and keep your skin protected.

Getting a facial is one of the most relaxing things you can do for your body and mind, but it can be ruined if you have a bad reaction to the procedure. Having a bad facial experience can leave your face red and inflamed, which can totally ruin the Zen of the experience. It is also a good idea to avoid waxing the area right after a facial, as this will cause your skin to be more sensitive.

Waxing is a form of aggressive exfoliation, and doing it on irritated skin is just asking for trouble. It can lead to bumps and inflammation, and ingrown hairs if not done properly. It is best to let your skin calm down for a few days before waxing again.

It is also a good idea to avoid sun exposure after a facial, as this can irritate the skin and make it more sensitive to waxing. In addition, it is a good idea to avoid high-impact activities like sports or exercise after a facial. If you must do these things, it is a good idea to wear a hat and apply sunscreen regularly. It is also a good idea to use a face moisturizer with a built-in sunscreen. A product like CeraVe Wash is a great option for this, as it contains aloe vera to help soothe the skin and protect it from the sun.

4. Don’t Touch Your Face Post-Facial

For many of us, pampering our skin with a facial is a regular treat. And while the relaxation and the hydrating are great, it’s important to remember that the treatment can also cause damage if not properly cared for.

As much as we like to think that our hands are clean, they can actually carry a lot of bacteria and dirt from different places. And when we touch our face, we spread that bacteria on our bare skin. This can lead to breakouts and irritation. So, if you have acne or other skin problems, it’s important to be very careful not to touch your face after a facial.

Aside from bacteria, there are other things that can irritate your face after a facial such as dirt and other environmental pollutants. These can clog pores and cause blemishes. So, if you have a facial and then go outdoors to run an errand, be sure to keep your hands away from your face.

One way to avoid touching your face after a facial is by using a facial moisturizer that has a good amount of SPF in it. This will help to protect your face from the sun and other harsh elements. Another way to prevent touching your face is by putting your hair up or in a bun. This is especially helpful if you have long hair that falls past your shoulders.

You can also use a black marker to draw a dot on your palm and the back of your hand to remind yourself not to touch your face. This is a very visible reminder and can be very effective in breaking the habit of touching your face after a facial.

Facials are a great way to get your skin looking smooth and healthy. But, if you don’t follow these tips after your facial, then you will be undoing all of the work that was done for your skin. So, take these suggestions to heart and enjoy your beautiful and healthy-looking skin! Do you have any other beauty treatments that you are concerned about following properly? Please let us know in the comments!