Art began gaining true recognition during the European renaissance era when people started turning to art and literature as the ideal solutions to the socioeconomic challenges the continent was facing. Since then, the appreciation for both art and literature has been on the rise globally with different forms of art emerging, all attracting their own following.
We are going to look at the 3 most popular forms of art currently.
Painting is not only one of the oldest forms of art in the world it’s also currently the most popular. The interesting thing about this form of art is that its roots can be traced all the way back to the era of the Neanderthal man. However, it’s during the renaissance period that painting as an art form gained popularity as more and more people in the society began developing an appreciation for it.
Print is also among the oldest art forms and currently the second most popular. The origins of this form of art can also be traced back to the prehistoric era. One of the most interesting aspects about printing is that whereas it has morphed significantly over the years as a result of discovery of different printing material, its core concept has remained the same. It also happens to be an art form that has been greatly transformed by the digital age.
Drawing also happens to be among the oldest if not the oldest forms of art whose roots can also be traced all the way back to prehistoric times. This is also an art form that has morphed significantly over the years as artists discover different material that they can use to draw as well as draw on. It’s also one of the art forms that have been significantly transformed by the digital age.
There are of course a couple of other art forms that are very popular globally, but these are the ones we felt were worth a mention in this article.
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